About Us

Chances are you have landed on PartnershipForLearning while you were searching for a printable template and were sick of seeing pages where the actual downloadable was not available.

Yeah, we understand the pain!

We have been in the same shoes as you and that’s what inspired us to come up with this site where we provide free to use templates from various categories.

Meet The Partnership For Learning Team

Grace Jones-  Editor

Grace Jones is the Editor-in-chief of PartnershipForLearning. She has been the guiding light behind this blog and the awesome content we publish for our readers.

In her free time, she loves to cook and play tennis. She has been a banker as profession but she is totally focused on this blog and making it the best resource for templates.

Reach out to her at: partnershipforlearningme@gmail.com

Matt Henry-  Writer

Matt has been with us since last couple of years and has been the best performer amongst our content team. He is a dad of two and loves to drive supercars.

If you are interested in reaching out to the team, write to us at partnershipforlearningme@gmail.com