13+ Cost Benefit Analysis Template [Excel, Word, PowerPoint]

Cost-Benefit Analysis is a way to understand the cost that is associated with a decision/action and the potential outcome of the decision.

These analyses are mainly done by individuals who are setting up their own business or by established businessmen to see if their decisions are going to be profitable for their business.

These Cost-Benefit analyses are very important and crucial for any organization as they help in understanding what is good for the business by picking up the right option and the right projects which will be most beneficial.

Cost Benefit Analysis Templates

1. Cost Analysis Template for Federally Funded Contracts


This is a Cost Analysis Template for Federally Funded Contracts which are mainly Government-related Contracts. These forms are used by the Government to provide research and funding related projects. The important fields to be filled in these formats are the Vendors name, the project name, and details about the costs of the materials.

The format is well divided into sections which makes it easier to fill up all necessary details. There is also a section where you can write some comments or any other details should you want like you can do in these letter of intent to purchase real estate.

2. Colorful Template for Cost Analysis

loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-905 " src="https://www.partnershipforlearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Screenshot-2021-07-13-at-2.34.07-PM.png" alt="" width="615" height="336" srcset="https://www.partnershipforlearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Screenshot-2021-07-13-at-2.34.07-PM.png 728w, https://www.partnershipforlearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Screenshot-2021-07-13-at-2.34.07-PM-300x164.png 300w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 615px) 100vw, 615px" />

This is a Colorful template for Cost Analysis and this is also easily downloadable. These kinds of templates are usually very detailed. Once you download it you will see a lot of instructions mentioned on the template. You can easily edit the template like a punch card template and keep filling in the details of the costs as per your requirement.

In such a template, you can mention the cost of each item one by one to get an estimate of the cost versus profit in detail similar to a credit card authorization form template.

3. Simple Cost Analysis Template


As the name suggests this is a very simple Cost Analysis Template. Here the columns are mentioned very clearly and are easily understandable by all. You can use the template for your Cost-Benefit Analysis by simply downloading it. Details such as your company, products, date and the cost of products year wise are necessary to be filled in.

4. Colorful Cost Analysis Template


This is another simple but colorful Cost Benefit Analysis Template. The colors in this template are just to differentiate on the type of costs that needs to be entered. You can use this format in any type of analysis but just ensure that you follow the template. The analysis mainly helps you understand the profits that you will make if you invest in any particular project.

The colors in this template are just a way to differentiate the columns and they enhance the overall reading experience. You can change the colors as per your company requirements.

5. Brief Cost Analysis Template


This is a Brief Cost Benefit Analysis Template. Here you need to fill in the minimum number of information possible. This is a short and crisp template but has all the necessary columns that are required to do a cost analysis. However in cases where you are dealing with complicated projects you might need to fill in a few more details.

You can change the currency in these templated from Dollars to Rupees as well. The color of the template can also be changed as per your choice.

6. Plain Cost Analysis Template


This is another plain Cost Analysis Template that you can easily edit and download. These kinds of formats are used for small businesses and small amounts. These are very simple to use and can be understood by everyone easily. The basic details need to be filled in here so that you get an estimate of the costs and the benefits that you will reap.

These templates are useful to give you approximate profit and cost values every year wise.

7. Everyday Use Cost Analysis Template


This is probably one of the most common templates which almost every individual uses on a day-to-day basis. This format is very helpful in giving you an estimate of your living cost. It will give you an estimate on how much you earn and how much you spend.

This is an easy way to calculate the savings that you will be doing each month after all your cost deductions. These templates help every individual to plan their expenses accordingly and are a great way to help save some money.

8. Business Case Cost Analysis Template


These are some detailed and complicated Cost Analysis Templates. They are mainly used for large businesses and where the amount for cost analysis is huge. There are a lot of details that need to be filled in these templates to understand the cost analysis correctly. Usually, in large companies where the investments are huge, people prefer to use such detailed formats.

Although these templates are lengthy, you can get a detailed breakup of all the costs and profits associated with your business. They are very helpful for any company in the long run.

9. Tangible Cost Analysis Template


If you are looking for templates that do automatic calculations, then this is a good one to use. This template can be used by any company but the department which uses this template is mainly the Human Resource department.

Through this, they try to analyze the cost of a new employee to their company versus the profits that the employee can bring to the company.

10. Project-Based Cost Analysis Template


This template is an excellent project management tool used by PM professionals the world over. These templates can be used in any kind of organization for various projects. It gives you a detailed analysis of what would be the cost of the project and how much profit would the project be able to make. It is very useful to determine if one should take a project ahead or not.

If you work as a Project Manager, then you should take a look at this template. You can modify it to suit your requirements and don’t have to work on a template from scratch.

11. Government Cost Analysis Template


This is a Cost Analysis Template that is mainly used by government institutions for their projects. You can download the template and edit them too.

These templates are mainly used to give you an estimate on how much you will be spending in a year, or an estimate of costs and how much profits you will be making every year for a period of 5 years.

12. Block Cost Analysis Template


This is a Block Cost Analysis format. It is a very easy format that can be understood by everyone. It is a very simple format where some basic details need to be filled in.

The sections are very well divided and there are columns here where you can even mention the purpose of using the template and what you would like to achieve.

13. Basic Cost Analysis Template


A Basic Cost Analysis Template can be made by anybody a there is nothing complicated about it. You can easily download the template from here too. These are easily made in the excel sheet and will give you a profit projection year-wise. On the amount of investment, you do you can now analyze how much profit you will get every year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have doubts about the Cost-Benefit Analysis template? Here are a few commonly asked questions that we have answered for you.

1. What are the two types of Cost-Benefit Analysis?

The two main types of Cost-Benefit Analysis are firstly the pre-Cost-Benefit Analysis which is done to decide if one should invest the amount in a certain project or not. The second type of Cost-Benefit Analysis is done at the end of the project to double cross-check the profitability of the project.

2. How do you calculate the Cost-Benefit Analysis?

The standard formula to calculate the cost-benefit analysis also known as CBA is the benefit divided by the cost ratio. Hence Benefit /Cost which can also be written as B/C

3. What are some important steps of Cost-Benefit Analysis?

Some of the important steps of Cost-Benefit Analysis are

  • Specify all the sets of options available
  • Deciding on whos costs and benefits you want to count
  • To identify the results that can be expected and select measurement indicators
  • To Predict the impact of the results over the life of the proposed regulation
  • To Monetise the impacts


To conclude the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis Templates. the CBA provides you with good, brief, and logical techniques for the evaluation of any projects running in the markets where the information of the projects and their costs are either nonexistent or are not clear.

Hope you have found this article interesting and the templates that are provided helpful. You can download the templates from here and use them for your Cost-Benefit Analysis in any project. Also, check out these sample mileage log templates!

Grace Jones

Grace Jones is the Editor-in-chief of PartnershipForLearning. She has been the guiding light behind this blog. She loves to cook and play tennis.

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