11+ Printable Grocery List Template & Shopping List [EDITABLE]

Each of us has those moments when we spend money without ever planning, which leads us to regret it later. That’s called impulse buying, and the best way to combat it is to plan for everything you are buying.

Shopping lists can come in handy, avoiding buying things you haven’t planned for. While shopping lists can appear like mundane things, there is a way you can make them appear unique.

Have a look at the below grocery list templates and shopping lists and choose the one you want.

Editable Grocery List Template & Shopping List

1. Grocery List Template

Grocery List Template


A grocery list can contain all the things you need in your house organized into different categories. The checklist style means you can tick off what you buy to ensure you don’t buy something twice.

This grocery list template will enable you to organize your groceries into different categories, from frozen to dry foods.

2. Blank Shopping List Template

editable grocery list template


A predetermined shopping list might not be in the best interests of everyone since not everyone organizes their shopping the same. That’s why a blank template would be a fantastic option.


empty list is a clean slate for you to list down everything you need to buy then check them off when you buy them.

3. Grocery Store List


 It isn’t only groceries that need to be restocked every once in a while. Each household has different things that they need to restock. This template recognizes that and adds in an identified category for personal care products.

The way everything is organized on the list ensures you don’t forget to buy some things. You are also sure not to worry about buying anything on an impulse since you have a plan for what to buy.

4. Grocery Shopping List Template

Grocery Shopping List


This is another blank template you can use to list everything you want. The difference between using a blank piece of paper and a blank template is that the template has categories you can use to record everything.

A broken-down list makes sure every aspect of the house shopping is represented. You don’t want to get home after shopping only to realize you forgot some other things.

5. Multi-page Shopping List

Shopping List blue color


Shopping lists while only regular lists can also have different colors to appeal to other people visually. If you are a person who loves a bit of color, then this template would be a fantastic option.

The checklist-style ensures you don’t repeat buying something. That’s because you can tick off everything you buy.

6. Grocery Checklist

Grocery Checklist template


You can also experiment with unique designs when making your grocery list. This template makes that possible. Your list doesn’t need to be the bland documents you would typically associate with other shopping lists.

You can choose this list if you need a different format for your shopping lists.

7. Blank List


Another option for a simple grocery list is this template. It is blank to allow you to write everything you will need to buy with a checklist to mark off anything you already bought.

You can use a pencil then erase out the list for use again.

8. Multi-color List For shopping

Multi-color List For shopping


A grocery list doesn’t need to have only the groceries. You can also add other things like toiletries and home supplies. This is a beautiful grocery list that will bring a smile to your face each time you read it.

It will be a fantastic option if you want to add order to your shopping and avoid buying things you don’t need or can’t afford.

9. Grocery List


This template is much like the other one, only that it has a different color. With shopping lists, you can make them visually appealing by choosing different colors for the same designs.

Everything is in its category to ensure all the areas of your groceries are covered. There is enough space for each section to list what you will need to run your household.

10.  Green Color Shopping List

Green Color List


Categorized shopping lists can be effective reminders of everything you need to buy. But it can be tricky putting some things into the specific order you want. That’s why this template has a place to add something that doesn’t fall into a category.

Think of it as a list of general things you don’t know where they fall.

11. Meal planning template with grocery list

meal planning template with grocery list


Shopping lists can also be as simple as the above template shows. A simple piece of paper you can write down things you need to buy should be enough for most people. If you are that kind of person, then this template would be an excellent option for you.

12. weekly meal planner with grocery list


We wrap up our list of grocery templates with this beautiful grocery list with a perfect balance of colors. It has categories for all the other things you will need, giving you an easier time shopping for groceries.

Benefits of Using Grocery Lists

The world keeps getting busier, and now people have less time deciding what groceries they need. That’s why you need a grocery list. However, that’s not the only help a grocery list would give you.

Firstly, a grocery list will help you save money. Because you are focused on the things you need to buy, you won’t easily go out of your plans. That will make it easier for you to save money when you avoid buying what you don’t need.

Shopping can be a time-consuming activity. Now imagine having to walk around the grocery store thinking what it is you need to buy. A grocery list would make that easier for you. You already know what you need, so you pick it and leave.

Also, because you go shopping for groceries with a plan, shopping can become rather relaxing. You don’t have to dread shopping since you know everything you need to restock in your refrigerator. Furthermore, with everything organized in categories, you have an idea of the kind of things you need to buy.

That’s why it’s important to have a grocery list whenever you are going grocery shopping.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a master grocery list?

This is a grocery list with all the groceries you need to buy for your house. It’s called a master grocery list because it will have everything you need in different categories or as lone items.

Is making a master grocery list challenging?

Making a master grocery list isn’t a challenging affair if you know what you need. Furthermore, you can use templates that are available online to make them. The templates have categories that will remind you what to include in the list to avoid forgetting anything.

What do I need to consider when making a grocery list?

It would be best to consider your grocery needs, your budget, and your general house planning. That will enable you to make an all-encompassing grocery shopping list.

Final Thoughts

Thinking of going grocery shopping and are worried you will forget what you need to buy? Download a grocery list template and shopping list to ensure you avoid that. The list will not only help you save money but will also make shopping more relaxing than before.

Grace Jones

Grace Jones is the Editor-in-chief of PartnershipForLearning. She has been the guiding light behind this blog. She loves to cook and play tennis.

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